III Fórum de Saúde no Trabalho do Sistema Fecomércio discute saúde mental e ambiente corporativo

Com o objetivo de compartilhar conhecimento, experiências e soluções que impactam positivamente a saúde, a terceira edição do Fórum de Saúde no Trabalho, promovido pelo Sistema Fecomércio Ceará, por meio do Sesc e do Senac, aconteceu nesta sexta-feira (05) no Teatro RioMar Fortaleza, destacando o ambiente corporativo, qualidade de vida e saúde mental.

Focado em discussões sobre a priorização do bem-estar no ambiente de trabalho, o evento reuniu, entre os palestrantes, o fundador e principal executivo do Grupo Amana-Key, Oscar Motomura; o consultor corporativo e especialista em Liderança, Luiz Gaziri e o psiquiatra, professor colaborador do Departamento de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e médico do Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas da USP, Daniel Barros.

O evento contou, ainda, com palestras do nutricionista e incentivador da vida saudável, Daniel Cady; da empresária e treinadora, Camila Hirsch; e do médico, diretor e professor da Faculdade CENBRAP, Marcos Mendanha. A  psiquiatra e escritora Ana Beatriz Barbosa encerrou a programação com a palestra Magna “O poder da saúde mental”.

Em sua terceira edição, o Fórum de Saúde no Trabalho do Sistema Fecomércio se propôs a discutir amplamente e com cientificidade os fatores políticos, econômicos, sociais, culturais, ambientais e comportamentais envolvidos na promoção da saúde e do bem-estar, além das implicações nas relações e nos modelos de trabalho.


  1. Over the years, it has also started training deaf-mute, mentally challenged, and physically handicapped people as a way of providing them with a stable source of income. Besides this, My Foot Reflexology is also known for its chill and pleasant atmosphere, which is why most customers return to its doors. The safe, relaxing practice can be a complementary tool to other stress management strategies. It was really a miracle. I definitely left feeling like a new person. Everyone was so nice and I felt like they really cared about me. I hope others will try this out. I am happy to write this recommendation for Oriental Foot Reflexology.» This massage is designed to comfort and purify with special focus on the body areas that receive the hardest stress in daily life. Session begins by soothing your aching feet in a warm foot spa bath. While you are enjoying the foot bath, your therapist begins your Asian body works on your head, arms and hands. Once complete, your therapist will remove the foot bath and begins the reflexology massage on your feet. Your session ends with the acupressure massage of your shoulders and legs to make you feel years younger and relieve stress.
    We’ll keep our eyes out for you. Subscribe to receive automatic email and app updates to be the first to know when this item becomes available in new stores, sizes or prices. If you like to play up your lower lashes with mascara, you can use primer on them too. Some makeup experts say that you should only put mascara on your top lashes, but I don’t like that rule and always put it on my lower lashes too. Lash primer will help the product adhere to bottom lashes too. In an exciting but maybe not surprising part of the expansion, Milk is launching a brand new waterproof version of their famous Kush Mascara. Don’t worry, though, fans. The lash lengthening formula won’t change in one particularly important way. The waterproof mascara is still vegan thanks to the cannabis seed oil inside which works to bond the fibers to the lash. In a fun twist on the lash enhancing product, the fibers which help to thicken the lash, are actually shaped like hearts. As for the price, the new Kush Waterproof Mascara will retail for the same price as the original ringing in at $24.

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